Right now, as for so many, I should be out working. Alas that isn't the case and may not be for some time. Of course this brings great uncertainty and both our health and finances may be affected. The lockdown, for a short period at least, does seem a sensible response and good to see the population as a whole taking heed of the government advice.
Here in Ambleside the streets have been deserted for a couple of weeks now. Sad to see as we are now in the Easter holiday, but it's the right thing. A typical Easter scene here would be of near chaos, with the roads, cafes, shops and restaurants all bursting with happy visitors. I'm sure it's a scene all areas are witnessing right now. Feels extremely odd.
However, we are all still allowed out for some daily exercise and I urge you all to take it. Getting out of the house is not only good for our physical well-being, but also our mental well-being. It can provide the time to think, to clear the air, to explore new beginnings and future paths. Or for some, it will be a time to completely switch off and think of nothing at all.
Thankfully, here in Ambleside, we are lucky enough to be surrounded by mountains. So keeping fit is fairly easy and the mountains are motivating. Personally I've been doing lots of running and mountain biking. My mountain bike being resurrected after a 10 year hiatus, so has needed some dusting off!
Yesterday the 3 of us took a leisurely walk over Loughrigg. We used to walk together all the time, but rarely do so these days, it was wonderful. It will likely happen more frequently now. The fairly gentle slopes up to the summit and back down to Loughrigg tarn provided just the right amount of activity and we arrived home feeling energised.
We have noticed both out on the fells and in the village, birdsong is far more prevalent now. Well, maybe it isn't, but we can hear the birds now as there is virtually no traffic noise and no aircraft.
So wherever you may live, whilst doing your daily exercise, take a moment to listen to the wildlife. It is there, it always was, only now we can hear it more clearly. When living in Manchester, I found the canal towpaths particularly good for wildlife spotting. Worth checking out for those in a more urban setting.
When all is well again please do come and visit. We have a small B&B in Ambleside 2 Cambridge Villas and join us for some Adventurous Activities
Thanks for reading.
Stay safe, stay healthy, keep smiling 🙂
Mark & Kate