Mountain Journeys

Family Adventure Days

Family Adventure Days

Family Adventure Days

Family Adventure Days

When visiting the Lake District with family & friends, this is the perfect way to get everyone involved in some fun outdoor adventures.

We offer this at a variety of venues depending on where you’re staying and your aspirations. There will always be elements of Rock Climbing and Abseiling included.

An example itinerary is:
Meet near to Coniston and enjoy a Rock Scramble up a ridgeline with some Rock Climbing along the way. Take in the views over Coniston Water from the summit before following paths back to the roadside.

Lunch break.

We then drive a very short way to reach the Abseil venue. Ropes will be set up for this and you’ll all have a go at descending the cliff face using Abseil skills. The cliffs we use are from 60ft – 150ft high – just let us know when booking what you prefer.

All the venues we use have wonderful views and are easy to reach. Walking time is kept to a minimum, but please expect to be doing some.

Kit list

We will provide helmets, harnesses, ropes, passive protection, and safety equipment including 1st Aid kit. For your own safety a helmet must be worn at all times whilst at the crag & scrambling. You will need to bring trainers or walking boots, unless you have rock shoes.  Warm & waterproof clothing is also required, as it can sometimes feel chilly in the mountains.

Note: please ensure you bring any personal medication with you during all activities.

Fitness requirements

We have a walks of up to 20 minutes to reach some of the venues, so you need a reasonable level of fitness. As a guideline, we will be out for around 6 hours in duration.

And finally….
If you have any questions regarding the above, please don’t hesitate to contact Mark or Kate by email or phone.

activity day

What we can offer

  • All technical and safety equipment
  • Highly experienced guides and instructors
  • A bespoke itinerary
  • Available throughout the Lake District


£180 – up to 2 participants
£200 – up to 4 participants
£220 – up to 6 participants
£240 – up to 8 participants
£260 – up to 10 participants

For larger groups please get in touch for a quote

Mountain Journey

Book Now

I agree to the following payment terms:

  • Deposit of 50% of total cost upon booking and final balance payable prior to commencing course.
  • Total value of course is due if booking less than 30 days before the route / activity begins.

Payment details will be provided by email following receipt of this form.

In consideration of Mountain Journeys allowing me to take part in and engage in any adventure activity, I hereby acknowledge and declare as follows:

  1. I confirm that I am over the age of 18 (if under 18 you must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times and they sign below on any child’s behalf).
  2. I agree to be bound by and obey these terms and conditions and all other rules, regulations and conditions of Mountain Journeys and its officials, including those rules, regulations or conditions contained in this Disclaimer and any other applicable safety rules.
  3. I acknowledge that I owe a duty to myself and others whilst engaging in any activity provided by Mountain Journeys to ensure that I do not take any action or step to do or fail to do anything as to endanger my safety and/or the safety of others.
  4. I confirm that I will not attempt to repair, modify or tamper with any equipment provided to me for any purpose whilst engaging in any activity and will comply with all instructions in relation to the safe and proper use of such equipment.
  5. I will not, whilst engaging in any activity provided by Mountain Journeys, use any equipment other than those provided to me by Mountain Journeys without the consent of a representative of Mountain Journeys.
  6. I acknowledge that engaging in an activity provided by Mountain Journeys can be physically and mentally demanding and confirm that I am in good health and know of no reason, physical or mental why I could be unable to engage in such activity.
  7. I agree to pay to Mountain Journeys a sum equivalent to the new value of the item plus an administration charge of £50 if I fail to return to Mountain Journeys any equipment provided to me for the purpose of engaging in any activity.
  8. Cancellations will be subject to a minimum cancellation charge of £50 per day. Cancellations made within 7 days of the activity date will be subject to the full rate agreed for activities and no refund can be given.At our discretion we may offer an alternative date at no additional charge.
  9. I acknowledge that engaging in the activity provided by Mountain Journeys may be dangerous. I therefore recognise that engaging in any activity is at my own risk. I confirm that Mountain Journeys is entitled at any time for whatever reason to deny me access and/or engagement in any activity. I will not hold Mountain Journeys or any of its representatives responsible for any illness, loss, injury or death sustained before, during or after participation in an activity provided by Mountain Journeys unless due to our negligence.
  10. I confirm that I understand the necessity to take out insurance for the activity.
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