Mountain Journeys

Cucales Canyon Costa Blanca – Exploring amazing rock formations


Exploring the Cucales barranco

Cucales Canyon Costa Blanca

For a while I'd been put off visiting the Barranco Cucales due to the need of a car shuttle to make it viable. Well, after some further research, I realised that this was simply not necessary. In fact, it would be more awkward with a car shuttle between start and finishing points.

So today, along with Steve and Rob, we set off in search of the entrance. Thanks to a handy gadget Rob had we were on the scent straightaway. Then it was just a case of follow the cairns towards the riverbed.

A number of straightforward abseils took us through increasingly impressive terrain. Almost all the abseil stations have been recently re-bolted with 2 bolts, this was very reassuring. The main event was a 23m abseil through a slot with staggering rock formations.

The canyon began to open out and soon we located a tiny path leading up to the access track, only about 5 minutes walk back to the parking area.
All we saw all day were birds of prey out looking for food and a solitary farmer tending to an Olive grove (well, we didn't actually see the farmer, but could hear the chainsaw)!

Around 11 abseils in a tranquil environment with quaint villages nearby and Benicadell ridge as backdrop. This is definitely a place we'll visit again.

For more information or if looking for a guided day in Spain or the Lakes District please do get in touch. Or if looking for inspiration about what to do during a visit to Costa Blanca check out our new guidebook here

Thanks for reading



Steve marvelling at the scenery


Benicadell ridge looms large behind the mountain top village of Catamarruch



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