Mountain Journeys

Borrowdale Rock Climbing – The Classic of Corvus on Raven crag

Combe Ghyll, Borrowdale. Rock climbing Corvus, Raven crag

A sunny approach walk to Raven crag today - Borrowdale Rock Climbing

Borrowdale Rock Climbing

We've been back out on the crags again today. This time in the Borrowdale valley and climbing a classic and very well known route, Corvus on Raven crag.

Corvus is a top quality mountaineering route set high above the valley floor and standing slightly separate from the main Borrowdale valley, in Combe Ghyll. It only takes an hour to walk here, but the feeling of isolation suggests this should be a longer, more arduous walk.

It's a shady venue so we came prepared with plenty of warm clothing, and we needed all of it!!
Two teams were already on the route, yes it really is that popular. So we enjoyed a leisurely start and spent some time sitting in the sun before touching the cold rock.

We split the route into about 9 pitches, treating much of it more like a scramble, so going for minimal gear placements, speed, efficiency, but above all, safety. The rock was mostly dry and a pleasure to climb on, just a few sections being damp. The famous hand traverse was all dry and such good fun, what a fantastic pitch of climbing.

Strangely, the rock warmed as we climbed higher, and there was little need for gloves during the upper pitches. We topped out to clear, calm conditions with stunning views northwards to Derwent Water and Skiddaw in the distance. It was well past lunchtime and we hadn't eaten, so we took the opportunity to refuel whilst enjoying the views. Walking off along the broad, grassy ridge brought us gently back to base in about an hour.

A Shetland pony came to say hello and was clearly in need of some company. He followed us all the way back to the farm gate. Minutes later it came running towards us and collided with the wire fencing, getting both his hind legs stuck in the meshing! Thankfully, with Susan's skills and all our efforts we were able to release him from the predicament and off he wandered, free again.

Big thanks to Susan & Kelly for a grand day out.


Rope skills for scrambling, easy climbing, and mountaineering

Belay set up with tied off Italian hitch and clove hitch

Counterbalance belay attachment set up. Rope skills for scrambling and easy climbs

Kelly leading into the chimney/groove on Corvus - Borrowdale Rock Climbing

Corvus hand traverse pitch

The hand traverse on Corvus

Corvus, Raven crag, Borrowdale. Rock climbing in the Lake District

Kelly & Susan topping out on Corvus - Borrowdale Rock Climbing



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