Mountain Journeys

Early Season Rock Climbing and Mountaineering in the Lake District



Rock Climbing and Mountaineering in the Lake District

So despite more than our fair share of damp days here in the Lake District, or maybe this is a UK wide thing now. We’ve managed to get out on some pretty spectacular days with clients and friends.

Some exceptionally good days being on Pinnacle Ridge and on Raven crag. First up is Pinnacle Ridge. I had been due to guide a father and son on this, but was still recovering from a Cold (aka man flu) so decided it best to call in good friend Sam of Lake District Mountaineering. The team were sure to be pretty speedy, with quite a CV of climbs to date, so I knew Sam was the right match for them.

When the photos came through that evening I knew a fantastic day had been enjoyed by all and a very nice feedback e-mail confirmed this. It’s always nice to receive feedback, please please do this for us if you can.

Now the weather had been chilly but settled, with the sun making an appearance. This did stay around for a little while and as I was soon fully recovered, was able to get back out on the crags. Raven crag in Langdale is always a great early season venue and a few routes got ticked during visits there with Carly and Kelly. Revelation (HS); Evening Wall (S); and Middlefell Buttress (D) all getting ticked by us in fine sunshine and touching warm rock.

I’m a big fan of the rock in Langdale, with most venues facing south/south-west/south-east so getting plenty of any sunshine. All the crags give amazing views, typically the rock is excellent and approaches are straightforward.

It won’t be long until the high mountain crags are feasible for climbing again and our sights are firmly set on Gimmer. There are numerous approach routes to Gimmer crag, our favourite way is to climb Middlefell Buttress and continue scrambling to reach the Gimmer path. This considerably shortens the approach walk and adds just a little extra time to the approach, but it is way more fun and engaging.

To finish, and depending on what our objectives are on Gimmer and for the rest of the day, we can choose to either abseil down from the top of Gimmer, or continue to the summit of Loft crag via an excellent grade 1 scramble.

If you have some rock climbing, scrambling, or mountaineering objectives in mind and would like some help achieving them, please do get in touch. Our guides are here to provide you with the best days out possible and help you achieve your mountain goals.

Thanks for reading




Pinnacle Ridge - Rock Climbing and Mountaineering in the Lake District




Raven Crag - Rock Climbing and Mountaineering in the Lake District




Middlefell Buttress - Rock Climbing and Mountaineering in the Lake District



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