Mountain Journeys

Troutdale Pinnacle – Sunny days climbing in the Lake District


Enjoying a warm autumn day at Wallowbarrow crag

Troutdale Pinnacle - and more

This last couple of days we've been out climbing with friends. Since the sun decided to make a return and the rock is all lovely and dry, we thought, why not? One of the advantages of living in the Lake District is the ability to get out into the mountains and onto the crags pretty much anytime. Our season is nearing its end, with a busy winter in Costa Blanca starting in a little over 2 weeks from now, I was super keen to get a few more Lakeland climbs in before heading South.

So yesterday Sam joined me for a day at Wallowbarrow crag in the Duddon valley. I think this is my favourite valley crag. Not only is the rock of excellent quality and all the routes a delight to climb. The approach walk is pleasant and short, the valley is almost always quiet, and the view from the top of the crag is breathtaking.
During the afternoon we climbed 'Digitation' VS; 'Thomas' Severe; and 'Bryanston' MVS. All fabulous routes that I have climbed many times before and hope to climb many more times over the coming years.

Today I was joined by Lucy and we cruised up Troutdale Pinnacle in the Borrowdale valley. This 6 pitch classic route is so much fun and varied all the way. We saw a couple of guys on 'Mortician' but the rest of the crag was empty, yes even on a warm and sunny Saturday! I've lost count of how many times I've climbed this one, but it's lots and always as much fun as the first time.

For both days we chose afternoons to get out and this gave us the most sunshine on the rock and the best light conditions each day. Late starts are sometimes the best. So whilst evening climbing isn't a good option at this time of year, late afternoon is well worth considering.

Some may wonder why we repeat routes again and again, doesn't it get boring? No it doesn't, ever, it can actually become even more enjoyable. A mix of climbing new routes and repeating others has always felt good and a healthy mix. Repeating climbs allows us to become even more familiar with the moves, this enables us to help our clients more, should they be finding any of the moves challenging. For more about the activities we offer see our Activity Pages here

There's a settled forecast for the Lake District for the coming week, so what are you waiting for, pack a bag and head to the hills 🙂

Thanks for reading



Racking up at a midway belay ledge - Wallowbarrow Crag


The classic Troutdale Pinnacle at Black Crag, Borrowdale


Rock climbing takes us to some amazing places. This is the view from the top of Troutdale Pinnacle



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