Mountain Journeys

Sunrise Walks Lake District: Helvellyn in all its glory


Approaching the summit of Helvellyn as the sun comes up

Sunrise Walks Lake District

This morning the alarm sounded at 3am. Giving me just enough time for a quick brew before driving the short distance to Swirls at the northern end of Thirlmere reservoir. Here I was meeting Jamie, Josie, and Leanne to take them up to the summit of Helvellyn in time for sunrise.
Getting up at 3am is never going to be a highlight, but I knew it would be well worth the effort. We got so much more than expected though.

By 4am we set off walking, it was bitterly cold but with lots of ascent in store this didn't matter, we were all warm and had plenty of spare clothing just in case.

Headtorches were needed until around 5.15am, after that we could walk by moonlight and the morning haze. Ahead Brown Cove Crags loomed forebodingly with dramatic effect. All the while the light improving and a dreamy skyline of mountains lay over to the west, a magical sight. An orange glow was hinting at us ahead, as if the summit was on fire. Our anticipation grew and just a couple of minutes before reaching the summit of Helvellyn we were greeted by a most spectacular sunrise.

There was a light but bitterly cold breeze on the summit, so we couldn't stay too long, but a good 10 minutes was had absorbing the magnificence of the landscape. We spotted a tiny tent a couple of hundred metres away, that must've been a chilly night. Nearer by a couple of Ravens danced on the steep slopes below the summit shelter, maybe they were trying to warm up.

After a few more photos it was time to make our way back to the valley, breakfast was calling. Soon we were sheltered from the breeze and warming up a little. Taking our time to take in all the wonderful views to the west and north as well as the serene waters of Thirlmere far below.

Thanks to Jamie, Josie, and Leanne for joining us on this.

As well as Sunrise Walks in the Lake District, we offer Daytime walks, Rock climbing, Scrambling, Gorge scrambling, Canyoning, Abseiling, Adventure days, and Navigation courses. All are tailored to suit you. If you're thinking of visiting the Lake District and want to try some fun activities please do get in touch.



Summit plateau of Helvellyn circa 6.20am


Striding Edge and Red Tarn at sunrise


Looking towards White Side and Raise from Helvellyn



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