Sun rock Lake District


Kirsty climbing the 3rd pitch of Bryanston at Wallowbarrow crag

An all round very busy few days here in the Lakes, rock climbing with the Tolchard family, the Walton family, and the Slater family. That's a lot of climbing! Kate has been busy with Scafell Pike walks and Family Adventure Days too.

I also enjoyed a full day of multi-pitch climbing at Wallowbarrow crag with Kirsty. We climbed 5 multi-pitch routes which adds up to many pitches of climbing, all under big blue skies and warm sunshine. Wallowbarrow is a gem of a crag, probably my favourite valley crag. Easy access, sheltered and sunny, rough and sound rock, and the Duddon valley as backdrop, it's a lot to beat.

The following day a quick blast at Raven crag in Lansdale with Joe. Elevation & Savernake were our routes. Hadn't done Elevation before and am so glad we did it this time, it's excellent.

If you're planning a visit to this beautiful part of the world, why not try something fun and adventurous. Give us a call and we'll make a plan 🙂

Thanks everyone



Pitch 2 of Bryanston

Activities in the Duddon valley

Duddon valley from Wallowbarrow crag

