Rock climbing progression and a photo shoot

Last night i'd been out to Staveley and the FRCC launch of their new Lake District Rock climbing guide. Pretty chuffed to have been involved in this excellent publication and even more chuffed a photo of Don managed to get included in the Eskdale section. For those interested in this guide, have a look in the climbing / outdoor shops around the UK, it's sure to prove a great resource for climbers.
Thanks for the invite and my signed copy.

And so to today. There were two aims to the day. Firstly was to help Tom progress with his climbing. We'd been out together a couple of years ago and since then Tom has kept on developing by visiting indoor climbing walls. So today it was about re-introducing and progressing with the outdoor rock. The second aim was to have a photo shoot for the Camping & Caravanning Club, for their magazine (Toms dad Simon is the Editor in Chief).

So whilst me & Tom got on with climbing, and I spent time showing Tom a range of skills to enable Tom to take his first steps as a competent 2nd climber, Ali took loads of photos and Simon asked us a fair few questions.

After we'd climbed 3 or 4 routes at Lower Scout crag we moved up to Upper Scout crag to try a longer climb. Tom clearly enjoyed the feeling of being high up, and appreciated the roughness of the rock and its pocketed nature.

We finished the day with a short interview and group photo session. Looking forward to seeing the results of both.

Thanks to Tom, Simon, and Ali.


