Ridges of Costa Blanca – Homo Marxuquerensis gives tremendous positions all the way

Mountain Journey


Ridges of Costa Blanca

It was about a year ago now that we first went in search of ‘The Matterhorn of Gandia’ or more properly known as Mollo de la Creu. On that occasion I was joined by good friends Kim and Ann. Here is a write up of that adventure.

I returned again to show Kate the ridge and we enjoyed another fine day. This time we found the correct descent route and this made things so much easier and pleasant. It was only during this second visit I thought about including the ridge in my new Cicerone guidebook Costa Blanca Mountain Adventures. However, there were deadlines that needed meeting and it just wasn’t going to make the cut.

This doesn’t mean it isn’t going to make it into a publication. In fact, I have high hopes that it will, but can’t reveal any more details just yet. The purpose of todays visit was to refresh my memory and do a write up as well as get some photos and topo. Oh and to go climbing.

The approach walk has been improved, with loads of the sharp vegetation now cut back, so progress is easy and painless. Walking passed the sport climbing crag we said ‘Hi’ to a couple of climbers and their dogs, the only people on the crag. About another 15 minutes or thereabouts and we arrived at the base of the Homo Marxuquerensis ridge. There are a couple of initial pitches that can be done on the lower (sport) crag, but these are a bit naff, so we didn’t other.

We sorted gear, took in the view, and said ‘Hola’ to a couple of runners as they whizzed by. The valley was empty once more, only us and this big lump of sun-kissed rock to climb, perfect.

Kate had forgotten to pack her rock shoes, so I decided to climb the route in trainers as she would be doing. This definitely added to the fun. The first couple of pitches are easy enough anyway and we were soon feeling fine about our lack of proper footwear! I’d forgotten just how brilliant this ridge is and was loving it.

The crux pitch was soon upon us and I was now secretly wishing for rock shoes. But with juggy holds in abundance there was no need, we could just yard up the steep groove giving our upper bodies a workout. I knew that once above this the climbing would ease considerably but the positions remain wonderful.

I spotted some people on the summit, they were watching us with interest. When I arrived at the top we chatted, they were a family from the Ukraine, thankfully all had escaped prior to the horrid and pointless war there. They were all super friendly and simply enjoying a day in the mountains, taking in the sights and sounds of nature.

Kate soon joined me and we too enjoyed a break and some rather delicious Christmas cake before packing up the climbing kit. We both remembered the descent route was a little devious, it didn’t disappoint today. But we managed to find it and mostly stick with it.

Another grand day out in the sunshine, can’t beat it.

Homo Marxuquerensis – 210m at max grade 5

For More information about what we offer in the Costa Blanca region check out our Spain pages here.

Thanks for reading



Mountain Journey

Kate on the crux pitch - Ridges of Costa Blanca



Spectacular positions - Ridges of Costa Blanca

Mountain Journey

Outline of the route - Ridges of Costa Blanca

