Puig Campana looms above Cresta del Roget
Puig Campana via Cresta del Roget
A while ago I’d noticed some friends had traversed a ridge on the mighty Puig Campana and found some scrambles to link this to the summit. Well I couldn’t wait to check the route out as it looked fantastic.
So today and with a late start, that’s exactly what we did. Here’s the write up, which is mostly a route description, so useful for anyone thinking of having a go.
We found a good little parking spot next to the Shieldaig kennels and animal sanctuary. As parking was a bit tight here, we popped in to Shieldaig and asked if they were okay with us parking next to their entrance. They were super friendly and we met some of their furry residents too. All was well.
From here walk downhill along the road for about 100m then turn right onto a track aiming towards Puig Campana. Bear slight right to soon reach a pylon. For those wanting a shorter walk, this could provide an alternative parking area, the track is drivable but rough.
From the pylon strike left through low vegetation to gain the start of the ridge. About 15 minutes to this point.
An easy start along a fairly wide ridge that offers some great rock. Soon the ridge narrows and there is a short down-climb to reach a col. The crux moves are gaining the continuation from here. Just a few tricky moves and easier ground will be gained once more. The ridge narrows considerably, with exposure building nicely.
A few metres before end of ridge go right at a cairn leading to a vague path through scrub. About 1 hour to this point.
Follow this path towards next rock outcrop and skirt around this on the right side, following paint blobs. Occasional paint continues to mark the way ahead. Generally aim for the smooth overhanging buttress. Keep below this on a traverse path to reach the main PR route circumnavigating the Puig Campana. Once this path is reached, join it and go clockwise to reach Font Solsida.
Immediately after passing Font Solsida and at 3.9km, leave the main PR path and go left on a vague path through steep scree. A memorial plague can be found on the left wall After about 200m go left at a red paint blob, follow more red paint and cairns leading ever upwards. Care is required to follow the best line and it is very easy to loose the paint / cairns.
After about 550m from Font Solsida, reach a smooth wave of rock just right of a recess. A large red arrow points the way ahead via a short (5m) grade 2 scramble.
Pass through a cluster of Holme oaks to more open ground and continue up to reach a large gash in the mountain and go through this to reach open ground, go left to reach the summit. 5.5km and about 2h 45m from the parking spot.
From summit follow the main PR route (yellow and white markers) to a large col between the north and south summits. From the col go right to descend north-eastwards down a wide and shallow angled gully.
The path is steep for a while but soon eases and improves. A much wider path is joined, continue along this to a sign for Font Solsida / Coll de Pouet at 8.2km. Go left towards Col De Pouet and hang a sharp right here, following signs for Polop.
At 10.4km at a sharp left shortly before reaching some buildings, take the wide track on the right (no entry for cars/bikes). Follow this uphill in a south-westerly direction, with the Benidorm skyline dominating all views to the left.
After a long re-ascent a series of zigzags begins and descends in the general direction of Cresta del Roget.
At a T junction go right to skirt underneath the ridge. At a barrier bear right to reach the pylon below the ridge. Retrace your outbound route back to start. Â
I hope you've enjoyed this post and find the information useful. For lots of ideas please check out our guidebook, published by Cicerone - Costa Blanca Mountain Adventures
And for more information and other ways we may be able to help please check out our Costa Blanca pageÂ
Just one more thing. A shout out to Shieldaig Kennels in Finestrat for being so accommodation about us parking up at their entrance and for introducing us to some of their 4 legged residents 🙂
Thanks for reading
Kate on Cresta del Roget - Puig Campana
Puig Campana summit is just through the gap
Looking towards Ponoch from Puig Campana