Multi-activity day – Lake District

Sunday was a very busy day for us with a wide variety of activities going on.

Kate was out on a 'Family Adventure Day' with a family from Manchester. They Rock Climbed in Langdale during the morning, had some wet rock to contend with too, so sought refuge from the elements in the Cathedral quarry of Little Langdale. The tunnels there providing plenty fun for the youngsters.

And whilst all that was going on, I started the day early in Borrowdale. Working for Si at Lakeland Ascents. He had a large group from London for an Abseil session. We used the Bowderstone quarry area which is perfect. Before today most had never done an abseil, and everyone went over the edge without hesitation, really well done all.

After a flying lunch stop, it was off to Low Wray campsite to meet a couple of Malaysian students who were visiting the area for the first time. Sounds like their first night under canvas in the Lakes was 'interesting' with strong winds and heavy rain! Thankfully they did manage to stay dry despite what the weather gods had thrown at them.

Plan 'A' had been to Gorge Scramble, but there was far too much water for that! So Rock Scrambling it was, and the fine ridge of Raven Crag near Coniston.

This provides a brilliant and very accessible grade 2 climb with breathtaking views, even on a cloudy day. To top off the already good day, it didn't rain this afternoon, even the sun made an appearance.

Thanks everyone


