Mountain Activities Lake District
Since returning from our little break in Snowdonia, it's been really busy here in the Lakes and we've been out daily on a variety of activities and adventures.
A last minute call from some friends Dave & Sam saw me switching the work schedule around a little to fit in a Rock Scrambling Workshop for them. We did this mostly on Tarn crag in the Langdale valley. Looking at a variety of core rope skills and focusing on efficient movement and rope management whilst mountaineering in the UK mountains.
Straight after our scrambling workshop I was away out climbing at White Ghyll crag, also in Langdale. Sam joined me for this and we climbed a route called 'The Gordian Knot' a 3 star VS with some wonderful climbing on it. Evening is the best time to be at White Ghyll as it benefits from evening sunshine, perfect.
Sunday was a mix rock scrambling and canyoning, all based around the Coniston area. And back into Langdale on Monday and more wet activity with a fantastic session in Stickle Ghyll with brothers Isaac and Luke. The afternoon was somewhat more leisurely with a walk around Loughrigg with Mina.
Lots more happening this week, plenty of walks too. For more about what we offer here in the Lake District please check out our Activities page here
Thanks all