Mountain Journeys

More ‘hot rock’ Costa Blanca climbing!


Seth looking focused whilst leading the brilliant 'Mono-Slabic' 6a at Alcalali crag

It's been crazy busy here over this last week, with loads of guests and all of them making the most of the massive amount of rock climbing available nearby. The Toix ridge and Bernia ridge have both been ticked, nice one Joe & Seth. We've enjoyed some coastal cragging at Morro Falqui, had a lovely evening in the historic old town of Altea, ticked a load more routes at the nearby Alcalali crag and visited a newly developed sector on the Gandia crags.

A starting point for any visiting climber is a guidebook and Rockfax produce a very good one for Costa Blanca. For reasons of space, it's not possible for the publishers to include all the crags, so lots of excellent crags are missing and of course all the newly developed crags are missing too (there's plenty of these and plenty more in the pipeline).  
We've visited a few of these crags and always had great times, rarely seeing another climber and always enjoying fabulous views and sharp rock.
Today the crag was part of the Gandia crags and has a range of grades from 5 - 6c, we climbed 7 routes from 5 - 6b+, everyone of them well worth doing, giving superb climbing on sharp, well bolted rock.
We have about half a dozen more newly developed crags to visit over the coming weeks, so watch this space for more info on what we find.

A quiet night here in Llosa de Camacho, all guests have gone home, but more arrive tomorrow and we have lots more adventures in store.

Thanks to Liz, Leanne, Joe, Seth, Rachel, George, Ann, Mike, Vicky, and Edd for an amazing week 🙂

​Mark & Kate


Vicky enjoying the sharp rock and fine routes at a recently developed crag



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