Starting and finishing in the sleepy mountain village of Benimaurell, we first went for Barranco Del Llidoners.
Barranco del Llidoners:
Descent = 225m
5 x abseils
Max abseil length = 50m (14m; 47m; 50; 14m; 11m)
Barranco del Racons:
Descent = 170m
1 abseil with a maximum length of 12m
There is an information board near the start of the canyon and this has all the information required regarding equipment required and what you will find en-route.
So what did we find?
Abseil 1 was fairly short but didn't look it, that's because it terminates at a hanging stance 14m diagonally to the left (looking in) of the anchors. I'd recommend having a maximum of 2 people on this stance at any one time, more people would be very awkward.
From here, a long (47m) abseil which is mostly free hanging descends into a beautiful cirque, this is a magnificent place, savour it a while before continuing.
A little bush whacking brings you to a good path - the PR-147 and here it's possible to finish the canyoning and follow the track back up to the road. But why do that?
Instead, follow the path left for only about 20m then descend back into the canyon, which by now is a shallow ravine. More bush whacking initially then more open and pleasant scenery lead to 2 further abseils.
The Barranco del Llidoners terminates at it's confluence with the Barranco del Racons. Turn right into this and follow this beautiful dry stream bed with wonderful sculpted rock features as it flows towards your next and final abseil of the day.
A 12m abseil through a narrow slot is fun and leads into more beautiful scenery and the confluence with the Barranco del Infierno. Turn right at this junction and follow the wide river bed gently downstream for about 30 minutes until a large cairn is reached and a good path can be located to the right. Take this path uphill and through the Forat to reach the small road near Fleix. Turn right onto this for the return to Benimaurell.
As a guideline, allow at least 5 hours for a combined descent of these canyons.
Essential equipment:
2 x 50m ropes
Belay device & prussik
If you'd like a guide for these and many other canyons, ridges, climbs, and walks in the area, please get in touch anytime, we'd be very happy to help.