Lead Climbing Course Ambleside – Rock climbing progression and self rescue skills on first class rock


Leading 'Wall and Corner' at Wallowbarrow crag - Lead Climbing Course Ambleside

Lead Climbing Course Ambleside

For the first weekend in May we provided a rock climbing progression and self rescue course on behalf of our friends at Lakeland Ascents.
Dan & Becky are both regular climbers and were keen to know more, in particular Becky wanted an appraisal of her gear placements and anchor selection at belays. Both wanted to know more about self rescue, should they ever find themselves stuck on a climb with an injured partner, or simply stuck on a route. Let's hope they never need these skills, important as they are.

Day one was spent in the Langdale valley, climbing two routes at Upper Scout crags and looking at some simple rescue skills.

Day two was spent at Wallowbarrow crag in the Duddon valley. Here we also climbed two routes, with Becky doing most of the leading again. We spent more time looking at more advanced rescue skills, building on yesterdays learning.

Two very full and absorbing days spent in the Lakeland sunshine and on lovely crags, can't ask for much more.

Thanks to Si for the work and Dan & Becky for being great company for the weekend.

Me & Kate also managed a quick ascent of the classic 'Troutdale Pinnacle Superdirect' HVS 5a. This is an outstanding route with sensational moves along a high level finger traverse. So good to be out enjoying Lakeland rock.

Rope skills for rock climbers

Good anchor selection and tidy rope work on a belay ledge - Lead Climbing Course Ambleside

Assisted hoist, self rescue for climbers

The assisted hoist set up - Lead Climbing Course Ambleside

Rock climbing in the Duddon valley

The Gorgeous Duddon valley

Troutdale Pinnacle Superdirect, Lake District rock climbing

Troutdale Pinnacle Superdirect, Black Crag

