Lake District Mountain Days – Between and through the showers in Glorious Lakeland


Anna on the crux traverse of Donkeys Ears at Shepherds crag, Borrowdale - Lake District Mountain Days

Lake District Mountain Days

The weather has been a bit mixed of late, with most of the mix consisting of rain! Of course there was no way this was going to stop us getting out and enjoying the beautiful Lakeland mountains. So as well as keeping busy working, we've enjoyed a few personal days out too, here's the most recent of them.

On Tuesday I met up with Anna and after a brew and cake at Lodore Farm Cafe, we climbed Donkeys Ears at Shepherds crag. The first pitch was soaking wet, making it much more difficult than normal, and we had decided to climb in our trainers, adding more to the excitement! Thankfully the traverse pitch (crux) is below overhanging rock, so was only slightly damp, holds for feet are small, but handholds are huge, so all good and much fun.

As we had somehow managed to stay mostly dry and heavy rain seemed to be on the way, we called it a day and headed back to the comfort of the cafe for more tea 🙂

Thursday brought with it a slightly different variety of rain, it was horizontal, being blown on a strong Westerly wind. A day on Pillar with Dave & Sam had been on the cards, but we needed to rethink this and work with the weather. Pinnacle ridge on St.Sunday crag became plan B, and let's be honest, it makes for a pretty brilliant plan A.

Due to its popularity, the rock stays fairly grippy on wet days and despite being a ridge, i've always found it to be fine on windy days too. Today was no exception. Atmospheric and fantastic. Such a brilliant route, and felt like we had the whole valley to ourselves, adding a remote feeling to the day. Hands had become a little chilly by the time we reached the top, so we stayed roped up until the mountain gave us shelter enough to stop and de-kit.

Friday (today) the rain was fairly similar to yesterday, being horizontal, although thankfully not persistent. Kate joined me on a jaunt to Langdale for some CPD. A quick multi-pitch climb on Upper Scout crag followed by a scramble on White Ghyll Edge and finishing with a descent to White Ghyll crag. The stream bed below the crags, which is normally dry, was in spate this afternoon, a beautiful sight. The water fresh from the sky and having passed over a few rocks to pick up minerals, tasted delicious.

Views over to Great Knott and Pike O'Blisco were dramatic as the showers passed over, giving sun and shade in varying quantities. As we're both out working on Scafell Pike tonight, it was decided to call it a day and head home early. Another brilliant day in the mountains.

For more about the activities we offer here in the Lakes please see our Activities Page here

Thanks to Kate, Anna, Dave & Sam



#pinnacleridge #lakedistrict

Dave & Sam about to surmount the pinnacles - Lake District Mountain Days

#rockclimbingskillscourse #lakedistrict

Anchor building - Scout crag

#tradisrad #lakedistrict climbing #whiteghyll #langdale

Me & Kate at White Ghyll crag - Lake District Mountain Days

