High Man - Pillar Rock
Today I've been working for Highpoint Mountain Guides.
David, from Switzerland was super keen to stand on top of High Man on Pillar Rock. Not being a climber he took the sensible decision to hire a guide for the day.
We approached from Wasdale Head, walking up Mosedale to Black Sail Pass, David then summited Looking Stead shortly before we joined the 'High Level Traverse' to the mighty Pillar Rock.
For anyone yet to see this mega-rock, what are you waiting for? This is a must see / do. The scenery is as inspiring as anything i've seen in the UK, and even David (remember he's from Switzerland) was absolutely gobsmacked by the surroundings.
The high level traverse path is easy to follow, with cairns along the way, the most prominent being Robinson's Cairn. From here the full view of Pillar opens up.
Continue over the Shamrock to reach Pisgah, enjoy some lunch, then go climb.
Slab & Notch route is a moderate rock climb of around 50 metres. Never difficult if the rock is dry, but can be tricky in the wet, beware.
From the summit, the best way down is an abseil into Jordan Gap. From here a fitting continuation would be a short grade 3 scramble out right (looking towards Pisgah) onto very exposed terrain but with good holds. This soon reaches the lesser summit of Pisgah.
We continued to the true summit of Pillar to round the day off. Views opened up nicely with all of the Lakeland mountains being visible.
If wanting a guide for Pillar Rock check here for more informationÂ