Mountain Journeys

Guided Walks Lake District – Adventurous days out in some wild weather


A sunlit valley as we ascend Skiddaw - Guided Walks Lake District

Guided Walks Lake District

It was 6 years ago when Suzy first joined us for a guided walk here in the Lake District. This weekend she was back, with her friend Lisa, and some big mountains were on the cards.

On Saturday morning we set off for Helvellyn. Having discussed the various route options, it was clear that Striding Edge would be part of our day. With a breezy and wet day forecast this could be quite an exciting place, so we kept options open until Red Tarn, where there was no wind and only a little light rain.

Lisa wasn't overly keen for Striding Edge but wanted to give it a go, so off we went, in search of scrambling adventure. Both Suzy and Lisa soon got into a rhythm along the edge, we were overtaking most others, storming along as we were. It was on the summit of Helvellyn the wind showed itself, maybe 35mph and pretty wet by now.

A quick photo stop on the summit and we blasted down Swirral Edge and back out of the wind, during the descent both Red Tarn and Striding Edge came into full view. I think Lisa was pretty chuffed at what she had just done 🙂

Gentle walking back towards Glenridding finished the day off nicely. Back to Holbeck Ghyll Hotel for hot chocolate and a spa.

Sunday brought along slightly breezier conditions and on the breeze came some precipitation. As this was due to be least around the North Lakes, we opted for Skiddaw. The path is mostly easy on Skiddaw, although at times fairly steep. Our fun came from around Little Man upwards, where the wind was trying vey hard to make us fly!!

At the South Summit 4 guys appeared out of the mist, all clinging to each other for stability. This confirmed to me we would turn back at this point. We had reached a summit, and at 925m almost the very top of Skiddaw. But there was no sense in risking the additional buffeting the summit plateau would give, there was too much chance of one of us being blown over.

A rapid retreat to get back behind the shelter of Little Man and we were able to walk normally again. Shortly after, the clouds parted and views into Borrowdale opened up, simply magical. Being out in the mountains during such weather is absolutely brilliant, if somewhat tiring.

The local rotary club were hosting an event near the base of Skiddaw. Even a mobile cafe, so we enjoyed hot chocolate and cake before heading for home. For more about the Guided Walks we offer see our Walking page

Thanks to Suzy & Lisa



Derwentwater and the Borrowdale valley from our route up Skiddaw - Guided Walks Lake District


An atmospheric day at Red Tarn - Guided Walks Lake District



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