Mountain Journeys

Guided rock climbing – Duddon & Langdale valleys

The last few days have been filled with Rock Climbing around the Lake District.

I was joined by Helen on Sunday & Monday and we enjoyed a wide variety of routes. These started on Wallowbarrow crag in the Duddon valley where we climbed 4 multi-pitch routes (13 pitches) during the day. The weather was being very kind and we enjoyed sunshine almost all day.

On Monday we climbed at Long Scar on Pike O' Blisco, high above the Langdale valley. This is a single pitch venue offering immaculate rock and a wide variety of climbing styles. The morning was spent enjoying some of these climbs and we also had time to consolidate abseiling skills.
To top off a fab couple of days we walked to the summit of Pike O' Blisco where dramatic views were had (see above) of the Langdale Pikes and valley far below.

Tuesday saw us back at Long Scar. This time with Jon & Andy from Essex. Sam was helping me out today and this meant these lads were put through their paces as we rattled through the climbs at quite a speed.

After 9 rock climbs it was clear tiredness was setting in and we opted for some downtime before a leisurely stroll back to the Wryness pass.

Big thanks to Helen, Jon, Andy, and Sam - it's been a really enjoyable few days.


Photos from top to bottom:
Langdale Pikes from Pike O' Blisco
Helen climbing Thomas at Wallowbarrow crag
Jon climbing at Long Scar, Langdale



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