Mountain Journeys

Fell Running – and lots more now it’s all systems go


A guided fell running day on Pike O'Blisco

Fell Running - and lots more happening again 🙂

It's been another busy few weeks. Mostly with preparations for the full re-opening on 17th May. There is now a certain buzz about Ambleside and Windermere again, it is a very nice thing to be witnessing. Only this morning I cycled the short way to Bowness on Windermere, whilst taking a short rest at the lake shore, I saw so many happy faces. Wonderful wonderful to see.

As well as preparing to welcome lots of visitors, we have already been pretty busy with guided days. Rock climbing, abseils, gorge scrambling, canyoning, guided walks, and even fell running. Pretty varied then.

Long Scar and Black crag are two climbing venues we used to visit a lot, but more recently have been favouring the valley crags due to their ease of access. When a couple got in touch wanting to combine a day of rock climbing and fell running, I just knew this was going to be those wonderful Pike O'Blisco crags.

Jim took charge of the running, taking Briony on her furthest (and most likely highest) fell run to date. Including the summits of Pike O'Blisco; Cold Pike; Little Stand; and Crinkle Crags. Top effort.

All the while I was with Ben enjoying the glorious rock of Long Scar. Ben was keen to consolidate his anchor placements, set up some top-ropes, and enjoy a few climbs. Fair to say those boxes were well and truly ticked. The sun stayed out too, meaning it was even really pleasant for Briony to join us in the afternoon and read a book in the sunshine.
What a day!

We have also been out in beautiful Eskdale with a family from Southport. With two youngsters to introduce to the mountains, the aim was to keep this as interactive and fun as possible. We rock climbed, abseiled, and explored the mountains, seeing amazing views and wildlife along the way. The end of the day brought with it two enthused and pleasantly tired youngsters. A parents dream right. Don, our Border Collie joined for this day.

Now he's getting old (14) Don doesn't join on so many mountain days anymore. But Kate had gone out running and he was looking very sorry for himself being left at home. I just couldn't do that to him. He had an absolute blast, with loads of attention from the kids, a few sheep to check out, and all that walking. He was knackered by the time we arrived home and slept through until the following morning.

Aside from all this, we've been finding time to enjoy a few local walks around Stockghyll and Skelghyll woods. These areas are currently awash with wild flowers, filling the air with wonderful scents and painting gorgeous colours on the ground.

On Monday our B&B re-opens to the public: and both Mountain Journeys and Climb Scafell are looking forward to welcoming many to the Lake District.

Thanks for reading. We hope to see you soon.

​Mark & Kate


Big blue skies and warm dry rock. Welcome to Long Scar, Pike O'Blisco


Don leading the way into the Eskdale valley


Bluebells are covering the valley floors now, come and see them



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