Esk Gorge Ghyll Scrambling: and many more fun days out in the Lake District


Enjoying the superb rock and magnificent positions Gimmer crag always provides. Route is Bracket and Slab.

Esk Gorge Ghyll Scrambling - and many more fun activities

Well that's been a crazy summer! Another season of record numbers of visitors to the Lake District, with many discovering this gorgeous place for the first time. It's been a pleasure and privilege to show so many people around our home area and do so many fun activities.

By quite a margin, Gorge Scrambling and Canyoning have been the most popular activities this year. To make this even more enjoyable for our guests, we invested heavily in new 'all-season' wetsuits that really do keep you warm on chilly days. My second homes became The Esk Gorge and Church Beck, and that is pretty awesome.

But when not in the water, there has been Rock climbing aplenty as well as many guided walks, some of these have been in support of worldwide tour operator Riviera Travel. I've lost count of how many walks we have provided support for Riviera guests, but it's been a lot. Next week is the final tour of the season, sad that it comes to an end for now, but so happy to have been involved and meeting so many lovely people. A special thanks go to Laura, Andrew, Andrew, and Kay of Riviera Travel. All have been a pleasure to work with. Roll on next year.

We have also continued to support the wonderful Adventure Yogi, this is our seventh year working together now. The most recent of these walks was up to Stickle Tarn for a picnic lunch surrounded by the Langdale Pikes. We enjoyed the added bonus of watching Scottish climbing legend Dave MacLeod on 'Lexicon' E11 7a high on Pavey Ark.
Thanks Michelle (Adventure Yogi), it's always a pleasure.

This year there has been slightly less call for Scafell Pike guides, and to be honest, during the summer it has been so busy up there, a guide has often not been needed. But when the mist rolls in, well that's a different matter. The trips we have done up on Scafell Pike, we have tried to stray off the beaten path, to find peace and solitude. Even on the busiest of days, with some local knowledge it's easy enough to get away from the crowds. Now autumn is upon us, the crowds have mostly gone, the days are shorter, and having a guide starts to make lots of sense.

There are a few more weeks before the weather really starts to interfere with activities, so if you're keen to get out, do give us a call. Autumn days are simply the best.

Then winter will come, and we plan to head south once more. To Costa Blanca, to climb, adventure, recharge, visit friends, and top up on vitamin D. We aren't offering any activities in Spain this year, but will be monitoring developments and hope to restart activities out there in the future.

A customer recently said to me, he never receives 'things' as birthday/Christmas presents, instead family and friends treat him to 'experiences'. What a great idea huh. Guess what folks, we offer Gift Vouchers for all occasions and can get them to you very quickly if needed. Worth bering in mind as winter comes along and brings Christmas with it.

Big thanks to all our lovely customers, it's been a pleasure and privilege. Hope to see you again next year



Autumnal colours abound during October


Stickle Ghyll - so much fun for families


Esk gorge.....for all us big kids!


Guided walk to Stickle Tarn with Adventure Yogi guests


Guided walks in Buttermere with Riviera Travel guests


Waiting to start an evening ascent of Scafell Pike. Supporting a 3 Peaks Challenge team


The Esk Gorge is so photogenic!! It's also loads of fun


Air time 🙂


Slide a big kid again, it's so much fun


Mick cruising up 'Flying Buttress' Dinas y Cromlech


Down time with Kate and Don

