Mountain Journeys

Cathedral Quarry – The Big Abseil


150ft vertical Abseil at Cathedral Quarry - no problem for the over 80's these days

Cathedral Quarry

Today I had the pleasure and privilege of taking a group of U3A from Kendal for a massive Abseil at Cathedral quarry, Little Langdale.

The request was to do the most impressive and biggest abseil in the Lakes, and let's face it, this is it, there's no doubt.

Amongst the 8 adventurers, there were 3 over 80's and a fair number of first time abseilers. I knew from the telephone conversations beforehand, there would be nobody backing out of this. and nobody did, not even a hint of hesitation. Sometimes almost too eager!

We had the weather on our side, bright sunshine and warm air, with typically stunning views. The quarry was nice and quiet too, which helped add to the relaxed feel of the morning.

Once everyone had flown down the sheer cliff, we wrapped things up and headed back to Little Langdale for lunch at The Three Shires pub. Much laughter with a splash of 'post abseil' relief from some whilst lapping up the Lakeland sun.

Thanks to all who came along, especially Donald for organising it all.

I really do hope we see you all again for another adventure. For more information about our Activities see here



U3A - Kendal - ready for some abseil action



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