Mountain Journeys

Callosa de Segura Via Ferrata – The biggest and best, the number 1 Via Ferrata in Costa Blanca


Hire wire bridge - Callosa de Segura Via Ferrata

Callosa de Segura Via ferrata

Back in 2020 the local authority in Callosa de Segura financed the installation of a large and complex via ferrata. The biggest and most challenging in the Costa Blanca region. It is completely free to use which is pretty amazing considering the amount of money invested to make it.

Today we have been for a journey around this most impressive and physically challenging via ferrata (iron way). Joined by good friends Kim, Ann, Cheryl, Kate, Steve and Mick.

A short walk of about 15 minutes leads to the initial section which is rated at grade K3 and is interesting and diverse, with 4 wire bridges, some steep climbing and sections of traversing. This section finishes underneath the massive rock tower known as El Poligono – this is a dome of rock that towers about 100m skyward and is relentlessly steep.

For those not wanting to push on up the K5 graded section, this is the time to walk away and simply enjoy the surroundings, maybe do some sunbathing. And for those looking for the full-on experience, look up and climb up….

So we now changed into top gear and ploughed on up the intimidating and relentlessly steep ‘El Poligono’, being sure to take care and to enjoy the occasional rest on the tiny ledges. This is an excellent upper body workout and gives a decent adrenaline rush too. At the top the terrain eases for a while and it’s nice to soak up the incredible views all around.

A couple of short wire bridges soon follow and these lead to the ‘Big’ bridge. Today there was a breeze and this added some additional fun when crossing this 100m long bridge. Watching everyone cross is nice and we re-grouped in the little cave on the far side. From here on, much of the route is either traversing or descending. Easy right? Hmmm, no it’s still tough on the upper body.

One more bridge is crossed during the long descent, but the main fun comes from all the traversing through incredibly steep terrain with some overhanging down-climbing for good measure.

With the end in sight, just one final obstacle to tackle. A severely overhanging section of down-climbing through a cave definitely got everyone thinking today….and holding on very tight I suspect. It isn’t far, maybe 25-30 metres, but the route requires some thought and a positive outlook. Our advice is, keep some energy in the tank for this final few metres, it’ll be needed.

All safely back on terra firma and the snacks are out for a quick picnic on the warm sun. Hard to believe we all set off with coats on as it was really chilly when we arrived mid-morning. Out of the breeze and in the sun it was definitely sunbathing weather and we were all loving it.

A 15 minute easy walk leads back to the large parking area where we met up with a couple of other friends Ros & Neil.

The Callosa de Segura Via Ferrata makes for an excellent day out if looking for a strenuous activity in the mountains. For climbers, best not to think of this as a ‘rest day’ activity, your arms and hands won’t thank you for it. Simply do it to bring additional variety to your climbing holiday.

And if wanting to extend the fun and adventure. Just around the corner is the Redovan via ferrata. The grade of that one is max K4. It also has easy access, but the descent walk is around 45 minutes.

For loads of fun and adventurous days out in the Costa Blanca region please be sure to check out our new Cicerone guidebook Costa Blanca Mountain Adventures

If planning a visit to the region and wanting some help with mountain based activities please check out our Spain page here

Thanks for reading



Mountain Journey

Wire and big bridge on Callosa de Segura Via Ferrata


Mountain Journey

Cave on the Callosa de Segura Via Ferrata


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Mountain Journey

Final down climb on the Callosa de Segura Via Ferrata


Mountain Journey

Checking the guidebook for Callosa de Segura Via Ferrata



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