Borrowdale & Langdale rock climbing medley

Sunday was due to be a Corvus day in Borrowdale. This 3 star classic route is amazing fun, but when there's waterfalls coming off the top of the crag fun may be the wrong description!
So instead I met Helen at the Keswick climbing wall and we ran through some sport climbing specific techniques whilst waiting for the rain to blow away.

Sure enough the skies cleared and we set off to Borrowdale, with the final choice of crag being Glaciated Slab. A sunny venue offering superb slab climbs on immaculate rock and in a beautiful setting. We climbed 5 routes here, with Helen leading the last climb of the day.
We also had a short recap on abseiling whilst at the crag.
Even though it was around 6pm when we left, it really didn't seem it, with the sun still out and warm air all around, the day had turned out pretty amazing.

Monday evening I met up with fellow instructor Joe and we climbed at White Ghyll in Langdale. My plan was for a route called Gordian Not, but with rain starting to spit we thought better of it and went for the shorter Slip Not (VS) route instead.
Joe cruised the first pitch to make a belay under the big roof. I then proceeded to make a proper meal of the 2nd pitch! Having previously found it easy!! Thankfully the rain did hold off so dry rock was enjoyed throughout.

The view from White Ghyll is quite incredible, and especially so during early evening, good timing.

So all in all a brilliant couple of days, thanks Helen and Joe.


