Adventures in Langdale – Rock, Gorge, Mountain, Plant!

Another dry day here in the Lake District so it was time for a break from admin catch up and time for a trip to the mountains.
Not wanting to spend too much time out, I opted for a scrambling route in the Langdale valley. The aim was to link a number of routes on my way to the summits.

Starting at the New Dungeon Ghyll, I quickly took to the rocks of Stickle ghyll, so much more fun than sticking to the footpath. In no time at all I was at the now completed 'Stickle ghyll Hydro Scheme' and thankfully this is now very much in keeping with the surrounding landscape (photo below).

More scrambling in the gorge took me to the foot of Tarn crag, the next objective. Often we take a grade 3 route up the left hand edge of the crag, but for a change I started at the far right hand side and climbed a slightly easier route to the mini-summit, all on impeccable rock.

Looking down on Stickle tarn, there were a few hill-walkers around admiring the view over to Pavey Ark, I took some time to do so too, pondering which route to take next, Jacks Rake was calling, but i'd already set my mind on the Harrison Stickle route.

It's been well over a year (maybe 2) since I climbed any of the rock routes on Harrison Stickle, and my memory of them was a little hazy! No matter, have a look at a route that appeals and go for it, and this worked perfectly well. Although the mountain looks very rocky from the base, there are many ways to carve a route up the craggy faces without too much difficulty.

There were a few walkers on the summit and views were actually very good, despite there being cloud at about 800m. It was chilly so I began the retreat down to the valley, via Stickle tarn, arriving back just as the first drops of rain did!!

3 really good rock scrambles, all very easily linked via short walks making for a varied trip out, one of many that can be done in the Langdale valley.

Keen for a day of Rock Scrambling? Get in touch, we'll put together a perfect day for you.


Stickle tarn & Pavey Ark;
Club Moss on Harrison Stickle;
Stickle ghyll hydro scheme;
Harrison Stickle scrambling route  

