5 Best Walks in Ambleside – Red Screes 776m


View from Red Screes summit - 5 best walks in Ambleside


5 best walks in Ambleside – Red Screes 776m

Ambleside is well established as the perfect base for a walking or activity holiday. There is so much choice it can be difficult to decide what to do. In this, the final in the series ‘5 of the best walks from Ambleside’ which is aimed at showcasing some of the finest walking routes that start from the town, we showcase the less visited summit of Red Screes.

These are some of our favourite walks and we know all the routes very well. Having lived in Ambleside for 17 years and spent thousands of days on the Lakeland mountains, we have got to know the Lake District rather well.

This route has some similarities with the Fairfield Horseshoe route we previously featured, yet it shares none of the footfall, so expect a very peaceful day. At around 12km it is also shorter than Fairfield and does feel it as there is only the one summit to visit. But wow, what a summit. I’m often asked what my favourite walk is. I honestly don’t have one. But favourite summit, that might well be Red Screes.

From the centre of Ambleside follow our route number 3 (High Sweden Bridge) as far as High Sweden Bridge. Instead of crossing the bridge, turn right just prior to reaching it and follow the wide and walled bridleway running up the Scandale valley. When the dry stone wall is left behind the terrain can become quite boggy for a short way, but with careful footwork it is possible to keep feet dry. Cross a small stream to join a good path leading up to Scandale Pass.

If wanting to include an additional summit, Little Hart Crag lies just to the North of the dry stone wall and a small path leads to it in a few minutes. Our onward route turns right at the wall to follow a rocky path heading South-Eastwards up to the summit of Red Screes. As the top nears the gradient eases and rock turns to tufted grass.

A trig point and small shelter mark the summit. On a clear day the view from here is as good as anywhere in the Lake District, it is spectacular.

The return route to Ambleside follows the broad and often grassy ridge as it descends South-West. The path is mostly easy to follow and on the lower slopes becomes walled. A cattle enclosure leads onto the Kirkstone road (The Struggle) and the final section is walked on tarmac and goes passed the doors of The Golden Rule – don’t forget to pop in for refreshments.


A bite to eat in Ambleside:

Apple Pie

Rattle Ghyll Deli


Liquid refreshments:

The Golden Rule


Where to get hold of a map and guidebooks:

Freds Bookshop


Where to stay:

2 Cambridge Villas


We offer guided activities in the mountains. Hiking, Rock climbing, Gorge Scrambling, Canyoning, Abseiling, Navigation courses and more




Looking back along Scandale - 5 best walks in Ambleside

